Essay of Admission

Sample 1. College Essay of Admission
The idea of living in a new place and different environment always lured me. When I was younger, I liked to imagine what my life will look like. To be honest, I imagined myself contending through the streets of New York to a spacious office on the thirty-first floor. Of course, my fantasy faded away, but I have always thought there was something more to my childhood dreaming, a small piece of real ambition. I was eager to be independent, to be relied upon by others, to be busy. Now, I have a lot of the goals which I had when I was a child, but my experience is somehow imperfect. I cannot help but feel that I am stuck in a gloomy place where dreams are devised and realized.
I entered high school as an ingenuous child who was far away from home and was a new member of another society, a young society. I tried to do a lot of things simultaneously as I was keen on tennis, liked to read poetry, and, of course, watch movies. I adore cinema and try not to miss a new film. I depend on changes, but at the same time, I am very independent. I believe that the most important concepts that I have supported in being far away from my parents were the possibility to choose my own way to move forward and behave. As we were said at our school, if you have an opinion about something, it will be definitely wrong not to say that opinion and not to convince your classmates to support you. Of course, being offensive is not the idea. The key is to become superior in communication with teachers and other students, with all who are a part of the community, and what is the most important, with those who are different, who are outside this entity. Along with being aware of important issues, after attending high school, my personality has developed. I became respectful to everyone and everything. I do not want to make my school sound as if it makes the best or ideal students, it will be lie. Nevertheless, the school makes a lot of efforts to make its graduates become true members of society. Now, I am still the same person, but the number of my strong points has increased.
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Sample 2. College Admission for Minorities
The very question of whether minorities should have lower admission standards in order to racially balance college populations or not is incorrect. According to the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, all people are equal despite their age, gender, and ethnic belonging. The support of affirmative action policies in higher education is a quite disputable issue since there are many opinions regarding it. Previously, many concerns raised around the problem since each college could implement its own rules. Some colleges supported affirmative action, while others rejected it. However, after Michigan’s new ban on affirmative action (Mears, 2014), many colleges started searching for ways to attract African-Americans and the Hispanic population to their colleges. Some of them include closer cooperation with minority high schools from Indian reservations or black regions (Lewinjan, 2007). Taking into account such measures, a fair question of why colleges are so interested in attracting minorities arises. When a student applies to a college, only his/her knowledge should be considered. Race cannot be included in the criteria for selection since it is a violation of human rights. The modern tendency for positive discrimination should not be a factor in college acceptance and it should be pursued by the law. A white American, an African-American, and a Hispanic student should have equal rights for admission. There are no reasons, either legally or ethically supported, which could promote positive discrimination. There are some arguments regarding the number of minority students in the colleges. It is impossible to consider them seriously since the number of Americans in American colleges will always be higher due to the higher number of such applicants. Since there are fewer applications from minorities, their chances to get to the college are lower. It is the chance and student’s knowledge that plays a role, not ethnicity. No one should consider race as a factor for admission to a college.
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