How to Write an Essay Introduction

What is actually an essay introduction paragraph? It is an opening, or the very first, a paragraph of any essay. Despite the fact that the introduction does not require to provide any research findings, it may be really hard for many students to provide a good essay introduction. Since the introductory paragraph is the very first paragraph readers come across when opening your paper, it is a must that the information presented here is appealing and interesting to the target audience. When the introduction is captivating and catchy, your readers are more likely to read your paper till the end. Actually, the core aim of the introduction is to convince your readers that your paper is worth reading.
On the whole, introductions should provide background information on the topic but they may also present your viewpoint when the paper is an argumentative or opinion essay. It is a must to apply this approach and make it clear from the very essay introduction what your paper is about (i.e. convey the main idea). When it comes to the principles of writing an essay introduction, you may write the opening paragraph either before the main body of the paper or after the very paper is complete. In the latter case, it may be easier to formulate the main idea and make the introduction better matched with the paper content.
If you are eager to know some essay introduction tips, read on the article presented by our professional writers.
How to Write an Essay Introduction
If you want to know how to handle introduction writing, you should be aware of the main principles of writing as well as of the parts an introduction should consist of. First of all, be aware that the introductory paragraph is a significant component to the whole essay. You need to provide an attractive introduction since this paragraph provides the first impression on your readers. As such, one of the main functions of the introduction is to draw attention of your target audience, maintain their interest, and make them read the paper till the end.
Some papers (particularly long ones) require long introductory paragraphs, which may actually look like introductory sections. As such, in this case, you may come up with a plan or an outline of your essay introduction. Do not think that an outline is needed only for the whole paper – it may be a great idea to outline even a special section of your paper, for example your introduction. The outline will help you to structure the introduction in a logical form and make sure you present the ideas coherently. A sample template of the essay introduction may look as follows:
The main idea with a hook.
The first supporting evidence for the main idea.
Example (illustration).
The second supporting evidence for the main essay idea.
Example (illustration)
The third supporting evidence for the main essay idea.
Example (illustration).
A clearly formulated thesis statement.
As it is evidence, it is not enough to put forward the main idea (just mention it and that is all) – you need to provide supporting evidence as well as a specific example in order to interpret it if needed and make it clear to the audience. In other words, there should be some interesting and appealing information to hook attention of your audience. Be sure to end the introductory paragraph with a strong and clear thesis statement that communicates the main message across preferably in a single sentence.
Before Learning How to Start an Essay Introduction Read the Tips on Writing a Perfect Essay:
- Step 1: choose an interesting essay topic. Think about ideas that are most interesting to you. It will help you find an excellent topic.
- Step 2: now it is better to make the list of your ideas shorter.
- Step 3: choose the best topic from the shorter list. Note that the chosen topic has to be interesting, funny and attractive for your future readers.
- Step 4: create a rough outline of your paper prior to the very writing. It will help you understand whether the topic is interesting.
- Step 5: in case you realize that the topic is good, start conducting a detailed research on it. Do not forget to make notes.
- Step 6: after you have made all necessary notes, you can now make an outline. It will be a sort of a guideline on writing your paper.
- Step 7: following the outline, start writing the draft of your paper.
- Step 8: make sure that your draft has no spelling or grammar mistakes.
- Step 9: when all necessary changes are made, you can start writing the final draft of the paper.
- Step 10: prior to submitting your final paper, do not forget to check it for any kind of mistakes. Make all corrections and turn the paper in.
Why Essay Introduction Is Vital for Every Academic Paper and How to Write an Essay Introduction?
- The essay introduction provides the reader with the information that will be discussed in the paper.
- In the Introduction the reader gets know the following :
- The paper topic.
- Thesis statement.
- Major points that will support the topic.
- Provides the structure of an essay or paper.
- Thesis statement should be the last sentence in the introduction.
- The essay introduction should catch and keep reader’s attention.
- Avoid using “catchy phrases” in the introduction so as not to distract the reader.
- Do not provide a conclusion in the introduction.
- Make your introduction compelling so that the reader would want continue reading the whole paper.
- Note that the introduction should provide necessary information about the paper.
- The main task of any introduction is to provide the “meat of the story.” It helps the reader to understand whether he/she want to read the paper to the end.
- Outline the major points in your introduction.
Now you know how to make an introduction. In case you need more information search for essay introduction examples on the Internet.
How to Make a Strong Essay Introduction for a Longer Paper?
When it comes to short essays, introductions are usually short – merely one paragraph long. However, when it comes to coursework, thesis papers, term papers, research papers, long essays, and even dissertations, the introduction may take up a whole paper section, which comprises of separate paragraphs. If you need to come up with such an extensive and substantial essay introduction, remember that the very first paragraph should be aimed at attracting attention. It should contain the hook and draw attention to the essence of the paper as well as its core idea. Once you have started introducing the topic in an interesting way, you may move forward with providing background information on the topic as well as developing the argument. Once you have clarified the topic and provided sufficient background information (when needed), switch over to formulating your thesis statement.
How to Make a Good Introduction for an Essay?
Remember that there is a clear difference between an effective and an ineffective introduction. Take a look at the following introduction sample and read further its analysis:
Each person applies Math knowledge throughout their lives. Some of these people use Math as adults when they have a job requiring the application of math calculations and formulas, whereas the others use Math when still being children. The topic I have selected for my essay writing deals with my own application of Math in my everyday life from childhood till adulthood. Now as an adult I use knowledge and skills in Math to organize my budget and expenses. When I was a child, I used Math when I took part in some fairs and sold some things.
In the introduction presented above, the very first lines do not grab attention of the target readers. What is even worse about the beginning of this introduction is that it provides an obvious fact hence making the opening paragraph monotonous. The next sentences are not specific either and they do not hint at the idea that will be further elaborated. There is no surprising fact, statistics, etc. provided in the paragraph. If the writer provided something more specific and striking, it would be more interesting for the readers to find out how math is applied, why the topic is worth attention, why it is so significant, etc. The further announcement of the topic starting with “The topic I have selected …” sounds awkward as well since it is too straightforward and does not bring the main idea of the essay in a more smooth and logical way. Finally, the introduction lacks a thesis statement as the conclusive sentence of the paragraph is rather vague and unclear. There is a statement what will be further discussed in the body paragraphs but there is no formulation of the idea and the main point you would like to make.
How to Start an Introduction in an Effective Manner?
Check out the following example of a good introduction, which is also considered to be more effective in content:
I have never really come to proper understanding of the famous saying by Ben Franklin, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Personally for me any penny, whether it is spent or saved is earned. My earliest memory connected with money – it’s earning and spending – dates back to my childhood. I was ten years old back then and I sold lemonade and popcorn in my neighborhood. It was the very first time of my life when I realized the importance and the value of money, particularly the work and efforts through which money comes to people. It was also the beginning of time when I started managing my finances and distributing the earned money. I knew what exactly I could buy for the earned sum. Nowadays, personally for me, money management is far more than that. Particularly, as an adult, I consider the balance checkbooks, interest rates, paycheck estimates, tax payment, and the overall budget.
If to analyze the aforementioned introduction, it is clear that the writer attracts attention of the audience by using a well-known quote in the first sentence. Afterwards, interest of the readers is evoked when the writer provides specific examples of the first experience of money-saving and spending. Apart from that, the writer further compares his/ her vision of money and its importance from the perspective of being a child and an adult. There are no dubious or illogical facts provided. The ideas are smooth and clear. The narrated life lessons slowly flow into the depiction of real-life experience and real application of the gained knowledge. Moreover, there is a clear thesis statement provided in the last sentence, which outlines the main aspects that will be addressed in the body paragraphs.
Hopefully, such college essay introductions will come in handy for you and it will become easier to get the difference between ineffective and effective introduction writing.
Get Professional Online Help with Essay Writing Today!
In short, an effective introduction provides a concise overview of the essay topic as well as clear explanation and discussion of the central argument (mentioned in the thesis statement). To make the introduction successful, it is essential to make it appealing, interesting, logical, brief, and succinct.